

Get ready for a descent with an incline of almost 90° on double floats. Screams and adrenaline guaranteed!

Technical specifications

Before venturing out, check out all the technical information. Minimum height, capacity, speed and other important specifications to ensure your safety and fun.
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Fun awaits

Challenge a friend to go down the Kalafrio with you: an extreme ramp with an incline of almost 90º.

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For safe fun

People with back problems and osteoporosis should be careful when choosing an attraction. People under 1.30m, pregnant women and the disabled cannot take part in the adventure.

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Family fun guaranteed

The perfect adventure for the whole family to enjoy!

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Use of buoys

The person with the most weight should descend at the front of the buoy. The lightest person must be at least half the weight of the heaviest. Maximum weight supported: 180kg.

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Security restrictions

Keep your hands on the float handle throughout the ride. Do not raise your arms on the way down. Do not jump off the buoy during the course.

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Necessary care

People with disabilities (PwD) must first go to the clinic for an assessment.

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Attraction details

The height of the tower is 11 meters.



Be enchanted by those who have already ventured into Beach Park's Aqua Park. Read some testimonials from our customers about this attraction.
Going down with a friend was even more special. Our screams echoed as we went down the ride.
Guys, the Kalafrio at Beach Park is crazy! I've been twice and with different people. The sensation of an almost vertical incline is crazy. You know when you look up and think "is it really that extreme?" Spoiler: it is!
The double descent was amazing. My brother and I laughed, shouted and went through this unbelievable experience together.

How to get to Aqua Park

Open your location app and type in the following: R. Porto das Dunas, 2734, Porto das Dunas - Aquiraz. ZIP CODE: 61700-000
Get your Beach Card

Get your Beach Card

With the Beach Card, you can enjoy Aqua Park as many times as you like with unlimited access and save on products and services. Check out our plans that can fit the whole family so you can have fun with us whenever you want.
Enjoy the Beach Park Resorts

Enjoy the Beach Park Resorts

Beach Park Resorts offer fun and relaxation for all ages. Complete entertainment and convenience to create memories that last forever.